
    How to Check Ram Full Detail Specifications in Windows 10

    How to Check Ram Full Detail Specifications in Windows 10

    In this video tutorial, I will tell you how to check ram specifications in windows 10 now there are quite a few ways of going about doing this I want to show you a way of doing this inside the command prompt.

    open up the command prompt by typing cmd in the search box and run this as an administrator you should see a black command prompt box opening up on the screen here and what we’re going to do is first off we’re going to do this first command which will find the memory manufacturer so type in this command here it’s quite a big command but once you’ve typed this in once you can basically just push your cursor keys on there to bring it back up and just change the end value here:

    so let me go ahead and type this out so we’ve got Full Detail Specifications:

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, manufacturer

    so once you push enter this will give you the manufacture of that ram without even opening up the computer.

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, partnumber

    so the next thing we want to do is find out the part number for that RAM so to type in the next one just push the up arrow key on your cursor keys on your keyboard and then just change the end value to part number and then push enter and this will give us the part number for that particular ram.

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, serialnumber

    Now what we’re going to do is try to find the serial number this doesn’t always show up on the command prompt so we’re just going to push the up arrow key on the keyboard for your on your cursor keys here and this will basically bring up the command we did before and change the end value to the serial number and push enter.

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, speed

    so what we’re going to do next is type in our next command and we’ll see whether we can find the memory speed so type in this next command so just push the up arrow key on the keyboard and all you need to do is just change the end value to speed.

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, capacity

    Next, we can try and find the memory capacity and you need to put in this command just change the speed to capacity at the end or you could just type it all out it’s entirely up to you but we’re just going to do this and type out capacity push enter.

    wmic memorychip get devicelocator, memorytype

    Next, we can try to find the memory type so let’s go ahead and type out the command and we’ll find the memory type so we need to do is change the end again from capacity to memory type and then we’ll put that into here and hopefully, we can find the memory type.

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